Saturday, October 8, 2011

PS 22 test

Well my first decent post is going to be about the ATN PS22. It's a controversial unit that has received a lot of critique but als gotten some pretty good reviews. For the people that are not familiair with the PS22. It is a clip on nightvision device. You can install it in front of your regular daytime riflescope and have instant nv capabilities.

As a shooter this is my holy grail in nightvision. But the more renownd manufactures only offer scopes worth about more than my car. So a no-go. Then there is ATN. It's an american based company that sells russian or ukraine made equipment. They have had the PS22 in their product line for quite a while now and I have been interested in it just as long.

Before buying anything I always try and do a thurough internet research. But with this unit I couldn't really find any decent reviews. So in the end I never got the unit.
Untill recently, when I got the chance to buy one at a cost that justified taking the risk.

First thing to do is shoot it at different distances to check how it was out of the box.
To do this I drove to a friend that lives on a farm. We set up the targets on 40 60 80 and 100 meters and first shoot at the targets without the PS22.
 Here's me shooting at the target!

Here's the 40m target. The left target was a different rifle that turned out to be off. So we didn't use it on the nightvision shots.
 60meter target. You see that the left target starts to be off.
 80 meter target
 And the 100 meter target. The left target is now so far of to the bottom that we hit the Nightvision target.
And in we went for a nice cup of coffee;) and wait till it got dark. Here's the PS22 mounted in the rifle.
As you can see whe shot an airrifle.

 Here's the 40 meter target. You can already see that the PS22 produces a shift in the poi. The left target started to curl due to humidity
 60 meter target.POI shift starts to get more pronounced.

 The 80 meter target
 And lastly the 100 meter target. As you can see from all these targets the sight doesn't influence the group size and only the POI, This fact gives me good hope that it does work! Notice the 3 shots landed bottom left and partly in the pole on the right target.

 For kicks and giggles we put a lifesized boar target at 80 meters and both put a few shots through it's shoulder. Even with a sight that's not 100% we were able to shoot at it accurately!

So what did we learn.
-The sight is able to put shot's accuratley down range.
-Image quality is not super with a 6x scope (that's what ATN puts on it's site 2,5 to 4x is optimal)

Stay tuned for the disassembly of the PS22 and the adjustment to put POA on POI!



1 comment:

  1. Great Pics, Can I use them on my night vision website at
